

传传 中国传媒大学 2023-09-06













值得听|大一国新男孩带你回忆爆款动画片ヽ(•ᴗ• )ゝ


After a boring and enduring winter,I bet that little seed of resistance to returning to school with loads of stressful work to do is gradually breaking through the soil.

Also, how many of you did not go on a trip for a single day on vacation?

Eager to fill up that void?

There might be a chance for you to escape the campus and start up a journey of sheer novelty and excitement:




The CUC exchange programs!





Over the month, me and my colleagues have interviewed dozens of exchange students from CUC to all over the world: Britain, European countries, America, Korea … you name it. We asked them about their life and study in those foreign countries and universities, as well as their travel experiences during this amazing period of time. Here are some most important things we think you must know before you choose from our school’s list of offerings:


No.1 Extra freedom for learning!


Almost all exchange students took delight in describing the loosened academic schedule abroad.



Miss Rabby Wu, Hogeschool Zuyd, Netherlands

“The best thing about Dutch curriculum is you have very few courses, about 2 to 3 per week, each lasts about 2 to 3 hours. Then all the rest is your free time!” 



Miss Caroline Ning, UCLA, America

“Photography tutors in UCLA never gave a direct judgement towards my assignments. Most of the time they’ll only say ‘I like your work. You are so talented! I only have a few suggestions for further qualification. But of course, it’s your photo, you get to decide whether or not to accept them.’”



What’s more, their teaching styles can be pretty colorful.


Mr. Tong Pei, Oslo University, Norway

“It’s a rather small country with little population, therefore people are more than willing to turn on green lights for education.”



The Sports Journalism course he majored in once moved the whole class to Norwegian National TV Station and the biggest sports periodical office nationwide, just to give them a clear understanding of what it’s like to work as a sports journalist there. For a course called European Political Journalism, they even had a session inside Norway Parliament with the prime minister himself!



No.2 Exchange ≠ Indulge

交流交换 ≠ 浪得没边

If you ever thought going on an exchange means being able to totally free up yourself and dive into “exotic carnivals”, then wake up! Exchange universities may not pound on you as hard as your own school, the workload is no less than that at home. Perhaps even more.

如果你认为出去交换就意味着完全放飞自我,投身异国三里屯MIX纯K蹦迪, 那赶快醒醒吧!


Miss Rey Yan, State University of New York, Oswego, America

“The filming and editing assignments here are just about the same as in our TV school —— except that it was all individual tasks, rather than team works. In all, the workload doubled, sometimes even tripled. But to some extent, it increased work efficiency as well as the training quality for my film-making skills.” 



Also, academic life abroad is always focused on after-class study. This is especially true in European universities where high academic level and strict self-study curriculum does not spare exchange students. Students who went to Sweden, Britain, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, etc. all reported their struggle with overwhelming weekly reading assignments.



Miss Louise Xie, Westminster University, the UK

“We received a Reading List at the beginning of the semester, but had no idea we have to read the materials week by week. The very direct consequence is, local students all read them and we cannot keep up with their discussion in class.”



Exchange life abroad is not always about late-night parties and happy sightseeing, if you want to return home with an acceptable GPA, you’d better whip your hip and study like a horse!


No.3 Embrace a completely different lifestyle


Most of you think you know what it could be like living abroad, but how did that old saying goes? Seeing is believing! As you really get there, the cultural and environmental shock can still be pretty astonishing.


Everybody knows that as the altitude gets higher, sunshine in winter time becomes relatively shorter. Buteveryday going home after class at 3 o’clock in the afternoon surrounded by total darkness is another story to tell.



Miss Nemo Lin, Tampere University, Finland

“Sometimes I love to take a noon nap, but would always wake up in the dark, like I just slept through the whole afternoon. And it’s the same when I wake up before 10 a.m. in the morning.”



The first day Louise got her curriculum, her eyes almost popped out.


Miss Louise Xie, Westminster University, the UK

“I thought I misread and checked twice. But it was solid as a rock that one of my classes starts at 10 a.m and lasts until 1 p.m.! When I grumbled to my classmate about how this schedule had supplanted my lunchtime, she replied ‘you lived too healthily!’”



Indeed, this is no big news. In the Netherlands, where I myself went for an exchange (Erasmus University,Rotterdam), lectures from 11 to 14, or from 12 to 15 in the afternoon are pretty common.


Miss Roise Liao also couldn’t help but complaining about how lifestyle in southern Europe is a bit too“slow”. Her exchange school is UCAM (Universidad Catolica San Antonio De Murcia) in Spain. This is a country where shops basically close at 5 in the afternoon, some even close at 2. And no one opens on Sunday.



Miss Roise Liao, UCAM, Spain

“I can’t even go out in the afternoon because there’s nothing to do. Buying all necessary ingredients for cooking is always a big problem.”



No.4 For them, Average Joe. To you? Weirdo!


Starting your life journey in a whole other environment, for the first thing, means diving into a completely different social circle —— whether you like it or not. Sometimes it’s nice to meet fresh faces and try fitting into their tracks. But in most cases, this could be a turnover of your little world.


Here is something a little surprising but heart-warming: 



Miss Cindy Ma, Uppsala University, Sweden

“Swedish people will always greet you with a big hug, even if you’ve only met for a few times. It was a little weird at first, but after a while I got used to it and feel so snug and cozy.” 



On a Halloween night in Spain, Roise also experienced such warmth from strangers who dressed up as ghosts but was so friendly that they greet every passer-by with a big grimace and would hand out candies to little kids on the street.


Miss Nemo Lin took full advantage of this exchange opportunity and travelled a lot.



Miss Nemo Lin, Tampere University, Finland

“Along the way I was truly affected by the kindness and goodwill of people of all nationalities. From a nice young man who offered to help me find the way to bus station when I first landed at Helsinki airport without any guidance, to an enthusiastic Austrian old lady who drove me past the Germany-Austria border. 

And when I was about to leave Finland but my cellphone was broken, a classmate who I hardly talked to just gave me his iTouch! He said it was because it’s also malfunctioning, but actually it worked quite well! A real life-saver!”




Yep, things do get pretty magical out there, especially when you believe that man’s extremity, is God’sopportunity.


No.5 Biggest Change?


At last, what needs to be pointed out is that when you are not afraid to cater for a novel learning mode, embrace a different lifestyle and meet a bunch of new people, you are actually opening yourself to a life-altering journey.



Miss Zibing Chen, Warsaw University, Poland

“This exchange trip not only broadened my horizon, but also taught me how to respect different cultures.”



Miss Gaby Song, Talin University, Estonia

“What’s most valuable is I had a ‘pure academic pursuit’ and five months inner peace acquired from my tranquil life abroad.”



Also, Gaby's cooking skills have apparently reacheda new level.



Nemo Lin turned from being too shy to speak English out loud to communicating freely with people with all kinds of accents. Rabby Wu made some sincere friends who had extreme enthusiasm in learning Chinese, which even made her starting to think about teaching Chinesefor a living later on. 



Yes, every single one of them who bravely took the chance offered by CUC and went overseas for half a year, all returned home with his or her own achievements, or at least unforgettable experiences.


So, I guess stepping out of your comfort zone and dive into a new world does not always guarantee you an “Alice Wonderland” or a thrilling “Crusade”, but it does render most of us a different perspective on our current condition and future life. That’s what I get after having an exchange in the Erasmus University in the Netherlands, and what the other exchange students reported as they were talking to me. Lucky dogs.



Anyway, if you feel more interested in grabbing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and join us, open up a whole new chapter, you know —— leave your aspirations in the comment area and contact the CUC Student International Exchange Affair Centreas soon as possible!


Wish you a spectacular journey out there!



Fill up the void: 填补空虚

Turn on green lights for: 为…提供便利

Free up oneself: 放飞自我


Whip your hip:自我鞭策,自我激励

Seeing is believing:眼见为实

Be solid as a rock:确确实实

Average Joe:普通人


Be not much of a difference to: 与…没多大不同

shock sb. numb: 把某人吓傻

Ace at the exams:考试考得非常好

A storm in a teacup:小题大做

Eyes pop out: 表示“非常惊讶”

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity:车到山前必有路

A life-altering journey:一场改变人生的旅行

Step out of sb's comfort zone: 走出某人的舒适圈

Open up a new chapter:开启人生的新篇章



电视学院 2016级广播电视学(国际新闻传播方向),中国传媒大学官微文字部部长,官微英文音频部部长,广播台ICQ Station英文主播。

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记者 王雪枫  刘艳秋  栾新萍  宋娇杨  莫德原  璩一为

英文撰稿 |   王雪枫

音频  |   王雪枫

编辑  |   王雪枫 

责编  |   刘  

