
期刊动态 | 《应用语料库语言学》专题征稿

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Language plays a key role in online offending and adversarial interpersonal behaviours. Corpus linguistics is a distinctive and valuable part of the researcher and practitioner toolkit for better understanding and tackling cyber-dependant and cyber-enabled crimes. Given their ability to identify significant language patterns across large bodies of textual data, reveal distinctive linguistic features of given text types and communities, and isolate specific areas in the data for closer examination, corpus methods are well-equipped to bring new insights and solutions for detecting and analysing criminal behaviour online.

This special issue of Applied Corpus Linguistics will bring together articles that demonstrate the cutting-edge of corpus research, methods and analyses being developed and applied across the range of diverse types of online threats faced internationally. The issue will present articles for an academic and non-academic audience, and particularly aims to engage audiences involved in international law enforcement, (cyber)security and online safeguarding with the benefits of embedding corpus linguistics in innovative methods of detecting, avoiding and defeating online crime.

Guest Editor

David Wright (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

David Wright is a forensic linguist and Associate Professor in Linguistics at NTU. He works in the English, Philosophy and Linguistics department in the School of Arts and Humanities.

He is the lead of the Language, Identities and Institutions Research Group within the School's Centre for Research in Literature Linguistics and Culture and his research primarily aligns with NTU's Safety and Security of Citizens and Society strategic theme for which he sits on the steering group. His research applies methods of corpus linguistics and discourse analysis in forensic and legal contexts and aims to help improve the delivery of justice using language analysis. His research spans across a range of intersections between language and the law and justice, including corpus approaches to analysing discourse in forensic and legal contexts, forensic authorship analysis, the language of cross-examination in court and the use of voice identification evidence. He regularly publishes in international journals and presents at international conferences.


This call seeks proposals for articles that draw on a corpus of language data and apply established or innovative techniques in corpus linguistics. Analyses should combine quantitative and qualitative approaches, rather than be purely computational or ‘black box’ methods. Ideally, articles will go beyond describing online crime and have clear implications for the ways in which corpus approaches can contribute to addressing of online crime. Articles analysing any language are welcomed that related to any kind of online, cyber-dependant or cyber-enabled crime, including but not limited to the following:

• Illicit and malicious online communication

• Dark web sites and forums

• Extremist communities

• Online grooming and child sexual abuse

• Trading illegal items in online marketplaces

• Scams and fraud

• Spam and phishing

• False accounts and identity assumption

• Obscene publications

• Cyberstalking, bullying and mobbing

• Harassment, threats and trolling

• Incitement, conspiracy and solicitation

• Disinformation and fake news

• Deception

• Plagiarism

• Manipulation, coercion and control

• Author identification and deanonymisation

Important Dates

• 1 st July 2024 – deadline for article abstracts

• 31 st July 2024 – response to abstracts

• 1st February 2025 – submission of full papers

• April 2025 – peer-review response

• June 2025 – revised submissions due (5 weeks after receipt of reviews)

• June-November 2025 – publication of papers as they are completed

• November 2025 – full volume completion

Contact Information

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding references) to David Wright (david.wright@ntu.ac.uk) by midnight on Monday 1 st July 2024. Please include the full names of all of the authors, along with affiliations and contact details for the corresponding author. Please note, if accepted for the issue, full articles should not normally exceed 9,000 words excluding tables and figures. The full author guidelines for Applied Corpus Linguistics can be found here: Guide for authors.


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