
SSCI期刊 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 专题征稿

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Teaching is recognized as an emotional endeavor, and teachers’ emotional competences play a crucial role in teaching and learning. This has led scholars to examine teachers’ emotion regulation, with a focus on its antecedents and consequences in various contexts. Emotion regulation refers to the processes by which individuals influence which emotions they have, when they have them, and how they experienced and expressed their emotions. Emotion regulation also includes the processes whereby individuals regulate others’ emotions. Teachers’ emotion regulation thus refers to how teachers as individuals or as a group mobilize, manage, and regulate their own and others’ felt and expressed emotions in the workplace. The importance and value of investigations into teachers’ emotion regulation have been increasingly recognized, and previous research has examined how teachers’ emotion regulation impacts their well-being and professional development.

Nevertheless, some gaps still exist in our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of teachers’ emotion regulation. The most prominent gap that has been repeatedly pointed out is that existing research usually focuses on the strategies and processes of teachers’ emotion regulation and their consequences on individual teachers. However, the contexts in which teachers’ emotion regulation unfolds are often underexplored or even ignored, which hinders our understanding of these processes. In fact, emotion regulation is highly subject to, and even reliant upon the context where the individuals mobilize, manage, or regulate their emotions.

This special issue strives to deepen a contextual understanding of teachers’ emotional competencies. It also echoes the recent calls for more studies on interpersonal emotion regulation and emotion regulation in subject/discipline-specific settings in the literature.

In short, existing studies have demonstrated the importance of investigations of teachers’ emotion regulation in general. However, there is still a notable short of research on teachers’ emotion regulation in specific social and/or multidisciplinary contexts in the current literature, which limits the potential and contribution of the research of teachers’ emotion regulation to knowledge building and practice improvement. Therefore, it is a timely move to propose a special issue on Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: Contextual and Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Guest Editors

Prof. Hongbiao Yin (yinhb@cuhk.edu.hk), Department of Curriculum & Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. James J. Gross (gross@stanford.edu), Stanford Psychophysiology Laboratory, Stanford University, USA

Associate Prof. Xin Zheng (zhengxedu@swu.edu.cn), Faculty of Education, Southwest University, China


Overall, this special issue seeks papers that explore how teachers regulate their emotions in social contexts and/or subject/discipline-specific contexts. Since boundaries and intersections of disciplines are different according to cultural and educational settings, studies are expected to encompass the broader context to examine the role of emotion regulation in depth. We also provide a platform for research adopting various methodologies and approaches, including empirical, conceptual, and review studies, to advance the knowledge building regarding teachers’ emotion regulation.

Specifically, the topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

1. The philosophical, psychological, sociological, and educational understandings of teachers’ emotion regulation;

2. Teachers’ emotion regulation in social interactions in the workplace, such as teaching, learning, assessment, school management, and change implementation;

3. Teachers’ emotion regulation in subject/discipline-specific, multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary settings;

4. Teachers’ emotion regulation in various educational stages such as early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and post-secondary education;

5. The disciplinary, professional, and contextual analysis teachers’ emotion regulation;

6. The design, implementation, and evaluation of interventional program for improving teachers’ emotion regulation in specific educational contexts;

7. Sophisticated quantitative and/or qualitative analyses of teachers’ emotion regulation and its consequences in specific social or educational contexts;

8. Emerging theoretical and methodological issues in the research on teachers’ emotion regulation in social and/or multidisciplinary contexts.

Important Dates

Contact Information

For abstract submission or any queries regarding the call for papers or the submission process, please contact Hongbiao Yin by email (yinhb@cuhk.edu.hk). We look forward to receiving your contributions and advance the investigations into Teachers’ Emotion Regulation: Interpersonal and Multidisciplinary Perspectives together.

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