
《走遍美国》Family Album U.S.A 第31集

Love English 2 2023-03-05

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。

2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。

3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。

4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。

5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。

ACT 1-1 “ 我想听听您的意见。



Marilyn: Ellen, I'd like your opinion.
Ellen: About what?
Marilyn: Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming we need to have our own place to live.
Ellen: Oh.
Marilyn: Well, what do you think about Richard and me looking for a small house or an apartment at this point in our lives?
Ellen: We love having you here, and there is room and … and when the baby comes, the baby can stay in your room for a while.
Marilyn: Richard feels we need to find a small house.
Ellen: I remember when I was pregnant with Richard Philip and were living with Grandma and Grandpa. Philip was a young doctor, and he kept talking about having a house of our own. It's natural.
Marilyn: What did you do?
Ellen: We looked at a lot of houses.
Marilyn: Did you find one?
Ellen: Oh, not at first. We couldn't afford it. Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, but Philip is too independent. He didn't want to borrow any money.
Marilyn: Sounds like Richard.

Ellen: They're all alike. Richard is a real Stewart. He's independent and sometimes just stubborn.

1. I'd like your opinion.我想听听您的意见。这是一种征求别人的意见,询问某人的看法的表达方式。
2. About what? 我的什么意见? 在这里相当于“My opinion about what?”口语中,当上下文意思比较清楚时,句中可省略重复的部分。
3. Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming we need to have our own place to live.哦,Richard和我觉得,我们快要有孩子了,需要有自己的房子住。with a baby coming: 指快要生孩子了。our own place: 这里指的是“a house belonging to ourselves”,自己的房子。
4. Well, what do you think about Richard and me looking for a small house or an apartment at this point in our lives?呃,Richard和我在我们生活中的这个时候找一所小住宅或者一处公寓房子,你认为怎么样?What do you think about…? : 你觉得…怎么样?你认为…怎么样?在征求别人的意见时可以使用这个句型。at this point: 在这个时刻。相当于at this time.
5. We couldn't afford it.我们买不起。afford: 买得起,承担得起(费用等)。常接在 can, could 或 be able to 后面。
6. Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, but Philip is too independent. He didn't want to borrow any money.爷爷要想借给我们钱买一所房子,可是Philip独立性太强了。他不想借钱。lend : 借出,借给。borrow: 借入,借来。
7. Sounds like Richard.听起来像 Richard一样。用来表明 某人的行为方式像另一人的。

8. They're all alike.他们斯图尔特家的人都是一个样子。alike: 在这里作为表语形容词,用于be,look,sound等系动词或半系动词后面,表示“一样的,相同的,相似的”。

ACT 1-2 “没有必要操之过急。”



Marilyn: When did you buy a house?
Ellen: After Richard was born. I was teaching music, and Philip was opening his first medical office.
Marilyn: Where was the house?Ellen: Right here in Riverdale. Of course, it was a small house, but just right for us.
Marilyn: It's funny. History repeats itself. Now Richard and I are having a baby, and we probably won't be able to afford a house right.
Ellen: Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn?
Marilyn: Good idea.
Ellen: Look in the real-estate section of Sunday's Times. You'll learn a lot.
Marilyn: Maybe we should speak to a real-estate agent about a house.
Ellen: And a bank about a mortgage.
Marilyn: I'll talk to Richard about it. I think it's a good idea, Ellen. We can learn a lot by asking.
Ellen: And if I can be of any help, let me know. As a matter of fact, my friend Virginia Martinelli is a real-estate agent.
Marilyn: Good.
Ellen: You won't believe this, but she sold us our first house and this one.
Marilyn: Well, I'll tell Richard, and we'll go to see her. Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen? Do you think it's too long?
Ellen: I think the skirt is just right. Are you planning to attach a train to it?
Marilyn: No. No train. Just the dress. But I am going to make a headpiece of lace.
Ellen: That dress is gorgeous.
Marilyn: Thanks, Ellen. And thanks for the advice about the house. I'll talk to Richard about it the minute he comes home.

Ellen: And remember, we love having you here. There's no need to rush.


1. When did you buy a house? 你们什么时候买的房子?Marilyn 把重音放在助动词did上了。如果句中的助动词重读了,表示急于知道更多的内容,否则句中助动词不重读。
2. History repeats itself. 历史在重复。意思是说今天发生在Richard 夫妇身上的情况与多年前他父母买房的情景相似。
3. Why don't you look at some houses?你们为什么不先看看房子呢?Why don’t you…? : 为什么不…呢?这是提建议的一种说法。
4. Look in the real-estate section of Sunday’s Times. You'll learn a lot.看看星期天的《纽约时报》房地产广告部份,你会学到不少东西的。real-estate section: 报纸上刊登出售房子消息的版面。Times: 指《纽约时报》。这是New York Times的简称。
5. Maybe we should speak to a real-estate agent about a house. … And a bank about a mortgage. 也许我们该去找一位房地产经纪人,谈谈买房子的事。......还可以找一家银行谈谈买房抵押借款的问题。speak to: 表示为某种目的而特为找某人谈话。real-estate agent: 房地产经纪人。And a bank about a mortgage.是“And you should speak to a bank about a mortgage.”的省略语。mortgage: 按揭,抵押贷款。通常是以房子作抵押向银行借款。大约用15到30年时间还清借款。
6. And if I can be of any help, let me know.如果有我能帮忙的地方的话,就告诉我。用于向某人表示自己愿意提供帮助。be of help: 是“能帮忙,有所帮助”的意思。
7. I'll talk to Richard about it the minute he comes home.等Richard一回家,我就去和他谈这件事。the minute: 在这里起一个连词的作用,相当于“as soon as”。
8. There's no need to rush.没有必要操之过急。

来源:Family Album U.S.A


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Family Album U.S.A 第24集
Family Album U.S.A 第25集
Family Album U.S.A 第26集
Family Album U.S.A 第27集
Family Album U.S.A 第28集
Family Album U.S.A 第29集
Family Album U.S.A 第30集

