

ICLC 语言治理


16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Meeting Description:

The 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Conference (ICLC16) is going to take place at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in 2023. ICLC is the biennial meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), which connects scholars from different linguistic disciplines and theoretical approaches who share a cognitive-functional view of language, according to which language is seen as an integral part of cognition. In recent years, Cognitive Linguistics has become more and more interdisciplinary, combining insights from typology, psycho- and neurolinguistics, language history, and many other areas. Thus, ICLC typically addresses a broad array of different topics, including, but not limited to:

- cognitive grammar
- construction grammar
- metaphor and metonymy
- frame semantics
- prototypes and categorization
- cognitive phonology
- discourse analysis
- pragmatics and cognition
- corpus linguistics
- language processing
- neurolinguistics
- language change and grammaticalization
- cognitive typology
- motion and space
- first language acquisition
- applied linguistics and pedagogy
- language evolution
- translation and cognition
- multimodality
- sign language research
- writing systems
- cognitive sociolinguistics
- cognitive semiotics

Call for Papers

First Call for Papers: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

ICLC 16: Modeling Language and Cognition
August 7-11, 2023
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Theme Session Proposal Deadline: October 15, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2022

Theme Sessions:

There are two stages for submissions for a theme session. First, theme session organizers should submit their theme session proposals directly to the conference organizers at the following address by October 15, 2022:


Theme session proposals should include: the session title, the name and affiliation of the theme session organizers, an introduction of up to 400 words (excluding examples and references) explaining the theme, as well as a list of the authors and titles of the individual papers, and all abstracts of the papers in the proposed theme session (100 words each) in a suitable order.

We strongly encourage diversity at the level of the affiliations involved in the theme session – at least one third of the papers should be contributed by authors outside the affiliation of the theme session organizer/s. We also encourage theme session organizers to take other diversity aspects into account, e.g. by aiming at a good gender balance. The acceptance of theme session proposals will be announced by November 15, 2022.

Once a theme session has been accepted as a whole, individual theme session authors will need to submit their abstracts for review, following the same guidelines of submission for general and poster sessions below. Papers need to be individually accepted in order to form a theme session.

Plenary speakers

  • Heike Behrens, University of Basel

  • Alice Gaby, Monash University

  • Thomas Hoffmann, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

  • Terry Janzen, University of Manitoba

  • Kyoko Ohara, Keio University

  • Jordan Zlatev, Lund University

General Session and Poster Session:

Abstracts for general (oral) sessions and poster sessions are to be submitted through our abstract submission page, following the guidelines below. On the submission page you are asked to state whether the paper should be considered for oral session only, poster session only, or both. The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2022.

Each presentation slot in the general session will be 25 minutes long, including questions and discussions (20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for questions and discussion).

Posters will be allocated to dedicated, timetabled sessions, and will be thematically organized in terms of time and space of display.

Submission Guidelines

The abstract submission page can be found here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclc16

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding examples and references). Author names should not appear anywhere in the text (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the third person for previously published work). Please copy & paste the abstract text into the Easychair window. A PDF file is optional at this stage. If you want to include figures or graphics, feel free to upload the abstract as a PDF and write “see pdf” in the abstract window. Theme session authors should make sure to note the title of the theme session at the top of their abstracts. References should be formatted according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals.

Each author may submit a maximum of one single-authored paper and one first-authored paper (or two first-authored papers), regardless of whether they are intended for the general, poster, or theme session.

Important Dates

Deadline for theme session proposals: 15 Oct, 2022
Notification of acceptance of theme session proposals: 15 Nov, 2022
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 Dec, 2022
Notification of acceptance: ~ 15 Feb, 2023
Date of conference: August 7-11, 2023

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学术调查| Martin Hilpert :什么让语言成为语言
Martin Hilpert :语言学家的一天都忙些什么?
马丁课堂|Martin Hilpert:语言与大脑的关系:从三个语言学实验谈起
马丁课堂|Martin Hilpert:如何阅读语言学学术论文?
大师对话|Steven Pinker与Noam Chomsky谈语言和人工智能在未来的发展
大师对话|Krashen 教授与 Chomsky教授谈现代语言学的发展
大师对话|Halliday, Labov, Jacob Mey,  Embleton教授谈功能语用与社会语言学的融合发展
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