

上财期刊社 财经研究 2023-10-24

《财经研究》 2022年48卷第9期 页码:94 - 108  online:2022年9月3日


Public Education Investment, Human Capital Accumulation and Regional Innovation Capability

作者(中):李思龙1 , 仝菲菲1 , 韩阳阳2

作者(英):Li Silong1, Tong Feifei1, Han Yangyang2

作者单位:1. 山东工商学院 金融学院,山东 烟台 264005; 2. 上海财经大学 金融学院,上海 200433

摘要: 创新驱动发展战略的顺利实施需要人才支持,文章通过理论模型分析,并使用2001—2019年的中国省份及城市面板数据,检验各省份公共教育投资对区域创新能力的影响及人力资本积累的中介作用机制。研究发现:(1)通过公共教育投资提升教师工资、增加学杂费补贴以及助学贷款利息补贴,有助于降低接受教育家庭的收入门槛,从而使更多的低收入家庭选择高等教育。(2) 增加公共教育投资能够显著提升所在省份的人力资本积累,通过增加教育行业从业人员、研发和技术服务行业从业人员的数量,提升所在省份的区域创新能力。(3)在公共教育投资渠道方面,提升教师工资对区域创新能力的促进作用更大,另外公共教育支出比公共研发支出对区域创新力的提升作用更显著。由于人才集聚效应,西部人才向东部流动,使得东部地区公共教育投资对区域创新力的提升效果远大于其他地区。因此,我国应加大公共教育财政支出,向落后地区和低收入家庭倾斜,加大对教师工资和学杂费的补贴力度。西部落后地区应改善用人环境,加强人力资本积累,推动创新驱动发展战略的顺利实施。

关键词:公共教育投资; 教育收入门槛; 人力资本积累; 区域创新能力

Summary: The “14th Five-Year Plan” in 2021 calls for “deeply implementing the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development”. Under the background of Sino-US trade war and technological war, the completion of industrial upgrading through technological innovation is of great significance for China to improve the national innovation system and achieve high-quality development goals. This paper analyzes the impact mechanism of public education investment on innovation ability through the family dynamic education decision-making model, and then selects the panel data of Chinese provinces and cities from 2001 to 2019 for empirical analysis. It uses Sobel and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the mediating transmission mechanism of human capital accumulation. The results show that: (1) Public education investment increases teachers’ wages, increases tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidies, as well as student loan interest subsidies, which will help to lower the income threshold for families to choose education, so that more lower-income families will choose to receive higher education. (2) The Sobel and SEM tests show that increasing public education investment can significantly increase the accumulation of human capital, which can improve the regional innovation capability of the province by increasing the number of employees in the education, R&D and technical service industries. (3) In terms of public education investment channels, increasing teachers’ wages has a greater contribution to the improvement of regional innovation capability than increasing tuition and miscellaneous fees. In addition, public education expenditures have a greater impact on the regional innovation capability than public R&D expenditures. Public education investment in the eastern region is much more effective in enhancing regional innovation than that in other regions. Therefore, public education investment should be tilted towards backward areas and lower-income families, and public education expenditures are increased to subsidize teachers’ wages and tuition and miscellaneous fees. The backward regions in the west should implement supporting policies for educating and retaining talents, so as to strengthen the accumulation of human capital, and promote the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: First, it establishes a theoretical model to analyze how public education investment affects family education decision-making, and how to influence the regional innovation capability by affecting the accumulation of human capital. Second, it analyzes the impact of different channels of public education investment on the regional innovation capability, and compares with the impact of public R&D expenditure on regional innovation.

Key words:  public education investment; education income threshold; human capital accumulation; regional innovation capability 





