

上财期刊社 财经研究 2023-10-24

《财经研究》 2022年48卷第8期 页码:4 - 17,93  online:2022年8月3日


Evolution of Thoughts and Historical Achievements of the CPC on Poverty Reduction in the Past Century

作者(中):邹璠1 , 周力1

作者(英):Zou Fan1, Zhou Li1

作者单位:南京农业大学 经济管理学院,江苏 南京 210095

摘要:中国共产党的百年史是一部党领导人民实现减贫与发展的奋斗史。为了对中国特色社会主义减贫思想进行理论剖析与经验总结,文章系统梳理了中国共产党百年减贫思想的演进脉络与逻辑,并基于近现代数据的历史对比展示了中国共产党的百年减贫成就。研究发现:(1)中国共产党的减贫思想演进经历了五个阶段,即以马克思主义理论为指导的思想探索阶段(1921—1949年)、以制度为保障和以救济为手段的思想形成阶段(1949—1978 年)、以深化社会体制改革为路径的思想发展阶段(1978—1986年)、以培育内生动力为导向的思想完善阶段(1986—2012年)、以精准扶贫为方略的思想创新阶段(2012年以后);(2)中国共产党减贫思想的演进逻辑主要体现在四个方面,即依循与创新马克思主义反贫困理论的理论演进、从共享式增长到特惠式扶贫的战略演进、从政府包揽到多方联动的主体演进、从关注物质兜底到多维赋能的目标演进;(3)历史数据比对显示,中国共产党的百年减贫成效斐然,农民生产与生活条件呈现质的飞跃。现阶段,巩固与拓展脱贫攻坚成果、推进实现共同富裕,已成为党和政府在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程上的重要目标,我国应在防止返贫的基础上,重视相对贫困问题,采用城乡统筹的方式促公平、谋发展。

关键词: 中国共产党;减贫;思想演进;减贫成就

Summary: The Communist Party of China (CPC) of a hundred years is a history of struggle that the Party leads the people to reduce poverty and develop. Eliminating poverty is not the finish line, but the starting point of a new journey. Standing at the new point, and from the perspective of historical evolution, it is of great significance to summarize the experience of successfully eliminating poverty and explore how ideas should be improved in the new stage. The existing research still needs to be perfected in extracting the regular logic of the evolution of poverty reduction thoughts, which is precisely the institutional superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics compared with Western capitalism welfare states. This paper aims to fill the blank and shows the achievements of poverty reduction based on the comparison of historical data. This paper draws the following conclusions: (1) The evolution of the CPC’s poverty reduction thoughts has experienced five stages: ideological exploration guided by the Marxist Theory (1921-1949), formation of thoughts with system as guarantee and relief as the means (1949-1978), ideological development with deepening social system reform as the path (1978-1986), ideological perfection guided by cultivating endogenous power (1986-2012), and ideological innovation with targeted poverty alleviation as the strategy (after 2012). (2) The evolution logic of the CPC’s poverty reduction thoughts is mainly reflected in four levels: the theory evolution of following and innovating the Marxist antipoverty theory, the strategic evolution from shared growth to preferential poverty reduction, the evolution of subjects from government undertaking to multi-party linkage, and the evolution of objectives from paying attention to material revealing backstop to multi-dimensional empowerment. (3) The CPC has received great achievements in poverty reduction, and the production and living conditions of farmers have appeared a qualitative leap. From now on, China should lay emphasis on the problem of relative poverty on the basis of preventing poverty-returning, and adopt the way of overall planning of urban and rural areas to promote equality and development. The contributions of this paper may include that: (1) It systematically combs the evolution process of the CPC’s poverty reduction thoughts, which enriches the historical research of this area. (2) By analyzing the evolution characteristics of the CPC’s poverty reduction thoughts, it summarizes the general rules of “shift” and “invariability” behind them, which deepens the scientific understanding of the formation and connotation of the CPC’s poverty reduction thoughts. (3) Taking rural areas as the observation object, it arranges the Buck Survey Data from 1920s to 1930s to combine with other modern rural data, and compares them with the relevant data at the present stage, which intuitively presents the centennial poverty reduction effect of the CPC.

Key words: the Communist Party of China;poverty reduction;evolution of thoughts; achievements of poverty reduction





