
国际咨询优秀方案 | 宝安创业路商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询——DP+华艺设计+普华永道

日杰瑞欣 日杰瑞欣RUPDCSZ 2023-12-08

近日,由宝安区人民政府主办、市规划和自然资源局宝安管理局承办的宝安创业路商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询专家评审会成功落幕。经专家多轮优选,DP ARCHITECTS PTE LTD、香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司、普华永道咨询(深圳)有限公司获得优秀方案奖。此次国际咨询由日杰瑞欣作为全流程技术支持方,将完成从项目前期研究、国际咨询到实施方案编制的全流程技术服务工作,下一步将对本次入围的 5 个设计方案进行整合,充分汲取各设计方案的优点,并结合现状情况,形成最终的实施方案,加快推动规划落地。



Project Background


Shenzhen, being in a process of exploring domestic demand on commerce and contributing to domestic and international economy circulation, now has been positioned as an International Consumption Centre city for consumption and trade. Chuangye Road district, locating next door of Qianhai District, is now tracing a brand new opportunity for upgrading and redevelopment. Our project is aiming for two key level of study and design proposal, i.e., 13.4 sqkm overall area along both side of Chuangye Road for study, and 5.3 sqkm core area for detailed urban design.



Design Visions




8公里 • 湾区最长活力山海通廊

8-Kilometer-Long / the Most Vibrant Mountain-Sea Corridor of the Greater Bay

2平方公里 • 世界级TOD超级商圈

2-Square-Kilometre/ World-class TOD Super Commercial Community


A Verdant Park Connectors Network (PCN)


 A Future City Image with the Most Scent of Life


Bao’an District, well-known as the ‘Origin of Shenzhen spirit and culture’, has a long sea front costal belt (45km) and is surrounded by the Costal Technology and Culture Corridor. And Bao’an District is now considered as a key node for ‘100km Internal Corridor of the Greater Bay’. Chuangye Road District, linking Bao’an Centre and Qianhai Bay, is rich in ecological pattern as well as local lifestyle and vernacular culture, and also shows a unique combination of well-planned modern regular street blocks and bottom-up self generated urban villages. 

未来,沿着宝安创业路城脉,将构筑 “8公里•湾区最活力山海通廊”、 “2平方公里•世界级TOD超级商圈”,重塑一个共感生息的“温度城境”,绘制一幅可漫游、宜感知的“趣城画卷”。

In the future, the Chuangye Road district will be positioned as ‘the Most Active and Vibrant 8km Corridor between mountains and the Qianhai Bay’,‘a 2 sqkm World-class TOD Commercial District’. We are aiming to regenerate a harmony and cozy district that both citizen and tourists can enjoy and provide a brand new experience of a roam-able and perceptible city image.



Overall Strategies


Two Planning Strategies:Integration of the Industry and Commerce/Regeneration of the Urban Spaces
We Strategically positioned Chuangye Road District as a catalyst with commerce and smart industry harmonized with each other to facilitate a long-term and stable growth, by attracting commercial and service provider via industrial upgrading, and gather industrial resources via the unique commercial atmosphere provided by the character of spatial design. We proposed five key strategies aiming to solve the five key issues, planned five thematic districts with six implementation strategies and three supporting system, help upgrading Chuangye Road towards a new commercial spine of Shenzhen.


Activating the potential of built district with full responsibility of heritage elements, is one of our key design approaches. With a detailed study of the current site context and re-development plans in the pipeline, we has proposed a series of guidelines and framework about spatial redevelopment with supported evaluation on the land value, by demarcating area for regeneration, area for complex upgrading and area for protection, as well as a phrasing strategy to help retain the ‘flavour’ of the district.



Overall Urban Design


Five Spatial Strategies:‘Spine, Network, Public Realm, Landmark & Nodes, Human scale Design’

借鉴新加坡经验,创新性提出“公园网络”(PARK CONNECTORS NETWORK)理念,串联城绿斑块,于山海之间支起“超线绿网”,织补漫游商街,于市井之中绘构“园游都会”,形成“一轴、一核、六区”的空间结构,一个充满生机的多维生态开放空间网络跃然而出。
We proposed‘Park connectors Network’(Singapore planning experience), as the key framework guiding non-motorised experience linking mountains and bay front. Urban design structure has been defined as ‘one corridor, one TOD core and six thematic zones’ to facilitate a multi-layered active public realm. 



公园网络 通山达海


We proposed five key spatial strategies, i.e., the spine, the network, the public realm, the landmark & nodes and the human scale design.

疏脉 The Spine:


By introducing autonomous public transportation system and micro circulation and brining city experience back to human scale, street scale, we propose to convert Chuangye Road into a non-motorized traffic driven and park like ‘5 km slow spine park’, and diverse park wondering experience via landscaping design tailored to different park scenarios. 

织网 The Network:


Baopeng Express Way in the pipeline will help removing trucks from Chuangye Road. By Upgrading Hubin Road, Yuan Road and Xinhua Road, will release the traffic volume on Chuangye Road and will support the transformation. With proposed seamless connectivity, all blocks will be linked by smart parking system and as well as complete cycling network.

游园 The Public Realm:


Restricting green and blue system, introducing 3x3 park corridor network and further intensification on micro scale Park Connectors, will help from a complete Park Connectors Network. With further on local memorial nodes, a heritage track with vernacular urban lifestyle experience will be designed. We will create a series of dynamic park experience by wondering across the city blocks via parks instead of streets, as such, the traditional paradigm of urban pattern will be redefined as a park-based system.

置景 The Landmarks & Nodes


Clustering strategy will be applied. Each zone will applied different approaches respectively according to the characteristics of each thematic zone. Future skyline along Chuangye Road Spine is designed together with 7 special nodes, together to form local identity of the site and define the public realm.

入微 The Human-scale Design:

设计同时关注城市微观视角,打造近人尺度舒适微环境。遵循街道一体化设计原则,对道路交通、活动空间、街道家具、标识系统、植物种植、立面改造、特色街道等方面提出建设性引导。We zoom into human-scale spatial design to create micro climate and provide thermal comfort experience via setting street design guidelines, with principles on space usage, landscaping, urban furniture, signage, façade treatment etc.



Detailed Plan

丰收四季,宝安门户Si Ji Park-Gateway of Bao’an活力纽带,宝安新潮107 Park, an Active Park for Leading Trends绿荫商核,文旅聚芯Lingzhi Park, the Mall in a Park and the Park in a Mall创客公园,引领智潮

Maker’s Park, a Smart Manufacturing Hub of the Greater Bay


Our proposal identifies four key districts as a binding node along Chuangye Road.


Siji Park- Gateway of Bao’an


Siji Park with direct link to Bao’An center Station on Sui-Guan-Shen inter-city line (under construction), will be a starting gateway on 5km Chuangye Park Spine. We redesign a traditional Pai Fang Gateway (multi-functional community center) with modern architecture material and design approach, which is showing a welcoming gesture for all guests. Being a starting point of autonomous public transportation, Siji Park will be an instagram-able place of attraction.




107 Park, an Active Park for Leading Trends

曾经国道第一桥——107立交将华丽蜕变。借助107国道过境交通的下穿改造契机,城市首层空间完全释放,将改造为新的城市绿洲。桥体结构保留,改造成为骑行与步行的城市年轮步道,提供漫游于密林树梢和市集的双重体验。Once branded as the No.1 intersection bridge on national roads, the 107 National Road overpasses will be evolved. With the opportunity provided by repurposing 107 road (bypassing lane to be aligned underground) and setting free the ground level, we propose a multi-dimensional urban oasis park in 107 junction. The original ramp and road structure will be retained, with further landscape decoration and introducing new functions, new commercial spaces we create a ‘treetop walks’ experience thru new commercial district.




Vehicular traffic on grade will be re-direct passing around 107 park, together with the minor and internal roads, we has designed a ‘Super Block’ driven by non-motorized traffic. And further we create a new landmark of the Chuangye road, a gathering node for all walks of lives.






Lingzhi Park, the Mall in a Park and the Park in a Mall


We propose to design commercial space around the hills of Lingzhi Park. Introducing multiple ’first floor’ to bring nature into buildings, we try to use a park design methodology to design the mall and commercial space organization mentality to redefine the park. E.g., Introducing wind The corridor, Energy roof with PVs collecting solar energy. Underground commercial space with natural lighting and ventilation connecting to multiple stations on different lines.

以灵芝公园为锚点,串联新安公园和上合村,将更多的城市生活带到公园之中。结合五条轨道线、六个站点,整合周边核心商业综合体、灵芝公园商业带与107新消费商业街,将共同构筑2平方公里·世界级TOD超级商圈。From Lingzhi Park, Park Connectors extend to Xin’An Park and Shanghe Village, and bringing more urban life and activities in the parks. We propose to link up the current and future malls within the 2sqkm area between Lingzhi Park and 107 Park to form a world-class TOD district, with support of 5 metro lines and 6 metro stations.灵芝公园节点设计






Maker’s Park, a Smart Manufacturing Hub of the Greater Bay


With commercial frontage along Chuangye Road and manufacturing space along second liner as backup, we proposed a complex and integrated module combining industry and commercial showcasing.

广深高速的路基改桥,让绿地能够继续生长,缝补城市空间。桥下运动公园将更加活力四射。上跨高速的创客公园,铆合轴线,塑造地标。在尖岗山下,打造一处创造力集聚的“智造”新天地,将与前海宝中融为一体,共同打造8公里 •湾区最活力的山海通廊。
Elevated lane of Guang-shen highway will allow a further expansion to existing sports park and linking segregated urban space on both side of highway. We design a multi functional and vibrant node as a strong anchor decking over highway as the maker’s park landmark, which will be a attractive platform for creative industry and activities.

Together with Bao’An centre, and Qianhai Bay, our Chuangye Road spine, will be transformed into a new hub for commercial and industrial activity , becoming the most active 8 km corridor linking mountains and the bay





联合体团队:DP ARCHITECTS PTE LTD香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司普华永道咨询(深圳)有限公司
DP ARCHITECTS PTE LTD项目成员:Teoh Hai Pin, Tan Chee Yong,吴新春,陈澍,杨嘉茵,马新征,周倩旻,廖思琪,宁首捷,吴旭栋,容梓昊,Jayawat Nikhrovatanayingyong,Saman Obma,Surawit Bubphasang,Nattanai Chalermsak,Wanchaloem Praphan



资格预审会结果公布 | 宝安创业路商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询

方案评审结果 | 汇聚全球智慧、宝安创业路商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询评审结果出炉



