
期刊动态|文体学国际期刊Language and Literature (Vol 26, Issue 1, 2017 )摘要

上海语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2017-05-07

Language and Literature

Language and Literature is an invaluable international peer-reviewed journal covering the latest developments in stylistic analysis, the linguistic analysis of literature and related areas. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers easy access to all the important new research relevant to stylistics.

L & L文体学SSCI期刊
Vol 26, Issue 1
Towards characterizing a type of aggravated impoliteness, with examples from Timon of AthensJuhani RudankoThis article proceeds from the assumption that speakers engaging in verbal interaction are perceived by their interlocutors to have intentions, and it explores the concepts of impoliteness and aggravated impoliteness. Two case studies, both from Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens are considered, and it is argued that a distinction between overt and covert intentions and between first-order and second-order intentions is useful in affording a purchase on the nature of deception in conversational interaction. The article thus seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of an aspect of impoliteness theory and to the application of impoliteness theory to the analysis of a Shakespearean play.

Powerful rhyme and sluttish time: A cross-linguistic study of time personification in poetic discourse Anna Piata, Cristóbal Pagán CánovasDespite the exponential growth of metaphor studies in recent decades, personification has nonetheless remained overshadowed by other types of metaphor. Specifically, it has been suggested that not all personifications are equal in that they vary considerably in linguistic, conceptual and communicative terms. In this paper, we argue that personification indeed features cultural diversity and stylistic creativity, yet its expression is underpinned by a shared conceptual structure along the lines of a generic integration template. Drawing on data from poetic discourse, we focus on a particular domain, that of time, and its various personified manifestations in four languages (English, Modern Greek, French and Spanish). We show that time personification is grounded in an Abstract Cause Personification template, in which the cause of an event is mapped onto an agent that performs an action that results in that same event (e.g., ‘cancer killed him’). This causal tautology (that in the case of time amounts to the time is a changer metaphor) can then be further blended with yet another agent, which acts in a more concrete scenario (e.g., ‘Time is a great healer’). In the case of time, in particular, the cross-linguistic evidence we examine points to a generic personified construal that we dub Time the Enemy (cf. Death the Grim Reaper and Eros the Archer).
Narrativity and creativity in oral storytelling: Co-constructing a story with the audienceSoe Marlar LwinDrawing on concepts from narratology and stylistics, this article examines narrativity and creativity in an interactive oral storytelling context where the teller engages the audience directly in the storytelling process by calling for their outward responses and then incorporating these responses into her representations of events and characters. I analyse one storytelling performance of a contemporary professional storyteller as an example of interactive storytelling and discuss how she established narrativity and displayed creativity in the process of co-constructing an oral story with an adult audience. Challenges an oral storyteller may face in this process are also discussed.
Translating ‘others’ as ‘us’ in Huckleberry Finn: dialect, register and the heterogeneity of standard languageJing YuStudies on the translation of literary dialects have devoted much attention to linguistic features used in the recreation of source text dialects. Only limited discussions can be found on what strategies have been used in the translation of the source text (ST) standard language that the ST dialect is contrasted with. This is because studies on dialect translation have often rested on two assumptions: that standard language in the ST is always translated into a standard neutral target variety and that the use of standard language invariably leads to the erasure of literary effect in the target text (TT). Both assumptions are related to the misconception that standard language is a single neutral register. This article challenges these assumptions by proposing that translating dialect requires translating both sides of the dialect variation, that is to say, translating both the dialect itself and the standard language against which it is set in relief. Drawing particular attention to the translation of the standard side of the variation, this article sets out to achieve two purposes: (1) to explain how register varieties from standard language can function as sociolects in dialect translation, and (2) to build a dynamic model that incorporates both sides of the linguistic variation into the translation process. The following case study on the canonized Chinese translation of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Zhang Yousong and Zhang Zhenxian shows how social hierarchies and power structures in Twain’s work have been reversed in the translation so as to construct social ‘others’ as ‘us’ and a socially elevated version of ‘us’ – a ‘better us’.
Book Review: Chloe Harrison, Louise Nuttall, Peter Stockwell and Wenjuan Yuan (eds), Cognitive Grammar in LiteratureDavid West


文献推荐| 文体学研究的80篇重要文献以及国际专业期刊

访谈视频| 认知文体学:探寻语言和认知之间的关系

新书推荐| 文体学的最新发展一瞥:《语言与文体》(上/下)

学术观点| 申丹:小说的“话语”与“文体”

专著推荐| 彭宣维教授 《评价文体学》

学者观点| 文体学:语言和文学的跨学科研究 (刘世生教授)

新书推荐| 《什么是文体学》 刘世生

【读书小札】融入大生态的文体学超学科研究 ——张德禄教授《英语文体学重点问题研究》

读书小札| SSCI期刊主编Geoff Hall谈“文体学与文学批评”(另附how to do close reading视频)

10 读书小札| 文体学SSCI期刊Language & Literature文章:宏观语境层面互文文本变体研究

11 学术观点| 认知文体学:探寻各类文体特征的认知理据 ——访河南大学外国语学院教授徐有志

12 学者访谈|伯明翰大学教授、SSCI期刊主编 Michaela Mahlberg谈语言学博士生培养与博士申请事宜


上海语言学通讯关注语言文学研究。主要收集发布1国内、外英语语言文学的学术会议、研修班讯息;2上海高校学术讲座;3学术期刊和学术观点推送。近期推送的特色栏目是读书小札和新书推荐,欢迎作者和出版社赠送样书。文章投稿请联系dianzishu@126.com 更多精彩内容请点击公众号左上角小人图标--“查看历史消息”



