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The US Food and Drug Administration is poised to sign off as soon as next week on updated Covid-19 vaccines targeting more recently circulating strains of the virus, according to two sources familiar with the matter, as the country experiences its largest summer wave in two years.


The agency is expected to greenlight updated mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech that target a strain of the virus called KP.2, said the sources, who declined to be named because the timing information isn't public. It was unclear whether the agency simultaneously would authorize Novavax's updated shot, which targets the JN.1 strain.


The move would be several weeks ahead of last year's version of the vaccine, which got FDA signoff on September 11.

"Now is the time to get a dose with this surge," Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told CNN.

Osterholm said on his podcast last week that he recently got a dose of last season's vaccine in order to increase his immunity while the virus is circulating at such high levels and amid uncertainty around when new shots would become available.

He added that he'll now wait to get the updated one in four months, the interval recommended by health officials.

In June, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that everyone over 6 months old receive both an updated Covid-19 vaccine and a flu shot this year.

Representatives for Pfizer and Moderna told CNN that the companies had ample supply of their updated Covid vaccines and would be ready to ship doses upon approval. Moderna's spokesman said it expects the vaccine to be available in stores within days of FDA signoff.

Novavax's vaccine is based on protein technology, which takes longer to manufacture than mRNA vaccines. The company's executives told investors on a conference call last week that it anticipated that its updated vaccine would be arriving in warehouses this month and that it's expected to be ready for distribution when authorized. A spokesperson for Novavax didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

A spokesperson for the FDA said the agency can't comment on timing of product applications but noted that it "anticipates taking timely action to authorize or approve updated COVID-19 vaccines in order to make vaccines available this fall."

Levels of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, measured in wastewater are at "very high" levels nationally, according to CDC data, sparking the highest summer peak in the US since July 2022. Monitoring of viral levels in wastewater can give a picture of how widespread the virus is as testing and other forms of monitoring the virus have fallen off.
根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,全国范围内废水中检测到的导致新冠肺炎的SARS-CoV-2病毒含量处于“非常高”的水平, 这是自2022年7月以来,美国夏季出现的最高峰值。随着检测和病毒监测的其他形式减少,对废水中病毒水平的监测可以反映病毒的传播范围。

Measures of severe disease, including rates of hospitalization and death, have been rising, according to the CDC, but they're nowhere near levels seen in previous years.
据疾病预防控制中心称,包括住院率和死亡率在内的严重疾病指标一直在上升, 但远未达到前几年的水平。

Waves of the virus are driven by both waning immunity and new variants, experts say. The prevalent strain in the US now is KP.3.1.1, according to CDC data, estimated to account for 37% of cases over the past two weeks. That's triple its level a month ago.
专家表示,病毒传播浪潮是由免疫力减弱和新变异株共同驱动的。根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,目前美国流行的毒株是KP.3.1.1,估计占过去两周病例的37%, 这是一个月前的三倍。

KP.3.1.1 and KP.2 – the strain included in the updated mRNA vaccines – are both offshoots of JN.1, the target of Novavax's shot, and all are versions of the Omicron variant.
KP.3.1.1和更新版mRNA疫苗中包含的KP.2都是诺瓦瓦克斯疫苗目标毒株JN.1的分支, 且都是奥密克戎变异株的版本。

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs recently released the revised draft of regulation on marriage registration for public comment. The revised content includes an individual's household register not being required and no regional restrictions for marriage registration, which experts believe will streamline the process and help build a family friendly society.

中国民政部近日发布了修订后的《婚姻登记条例(征求意见稿)》,公开征求公众意见。修订内容包括不要求提供个人户籍证明和取消婚姻登记地域限制, 专家认为这将简化流程,有助于构建友好型社会。

The public can submit their feedback before September 11, according to the civil affairs ministry.


The revised draft points out that the regulation is formulated based on Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and other laws. According to the draft, the country will enhance information-based marriage management, improve the national marriage information database, and establish an information-sharing mechanism to ensure that marriage data is timely, accurate, complete, and secure.

修订草案指出,该条例是根据《中华人民共和国民法典》等相关法律制定的。根据草案,国家将加强婚姻信息化管理,完善全国婚姻信息数据库, 建立信息共享机制,确保婚姻数据及时、准确、完整和安全

In comparison to the original regulation on marriage registration issued in 2003, the draft removes the requirement to present a household register during marriage registration.

与2003年发布的原《婚姻登记条例》相比, 草案取消了婚姻登记时需提供户籍证明的要求。

There will no longer be regional restrictions for registration, with the original regulation requiring that it should be handled at the household registration location of the parties involved.

同时,也取消了地域限制, 原条例规定婚姻登记需在双方户籍所在地办理。

Jiang Quanbao, a professor from the Institute for Population and Development Studies at Xi'an Jiaotong University, told the Global Times on Wednesday that the original regulation has been implemented for more than 20 years, which requires revision and updating in face of changing social habits.
西安交通大学人口与发展研究所教授姜全保周三在接受《环球时报》采访时表示, 原条例已实施20多年, 面对不断变化的社会习惯,需要进行修订和更新。

The draft standardizes marriage registration, safeguards marriage freedom and equality, and helps build a family friendly society in many aspects including simplified procedures, said Jiang.
姜全保说,草案规范了婚姻登记,保障了婚姻自由和平等, 并在简化程序等多方面有助于构建友好型社会。

The draft calls for marriage registration authorities to provide marriage and family counseling services, fully leverage the expertise of professionals, and guide the parties involved in marriage to establish equal, harmonious, and civilized marital and family relationships.

草案要求婚姻登记机构提供婚姻和家庭咨询服务, 充分利用专业人士的专业知识,引导婚姻当事人建立平等、和谐、文明的婚姻家庭关系。

Jiang said that this also helps enhance its service function, giving marriages with potential for reconciliation another chance to be saved, and helping to prevent impulsive divorces.
姜全保表示,这也有助于增强其服务功能,为有可能和解的婚姻提供又一次挽救的机会, 并有助于防止冲动离婚。

In the chapter on divorce registration, the draft further elaborates on the cooling-off period for divorce, stating that within 30 days from the date the authority receives the divorce registration application, if either party is unwilling to divorce, they may withdraw the divorce registration application. Then the marriage registration authority shall terminate the divorce registration process.
在离婚登记章节中,草案进一步阐述了离婚冷静期, 指出自婚姻登记机构收到离婚登记申请之日起30日内,任何一方不愿意离婚的, 可以向婚姻登记机构撤回离婚登记申请。然后,婚姻登记机构应终止离婚登记程序。

The regulation aims to "promote the importance of marriage and family," reduce impulsive divorces, and uphold social stability, and better protect legitimate rights of the parties involved, according to Jiang.
姜全保表示,该条例旨在“弘扬婚姻家庭的重要性”,减少冲动离婚,维护社会稳定, 更好地保护婚姻当事人的合法权益。

If one party is coerced into marriage, the coerced party can request cancellation of the marriage according to law. If one party has a serious illness, they should truthfully inform the other party before the marriage registration; if they do not truthfully inform the other party, the other party can request termination of the marriage, the draft details.

China's local authorities have implemented multiple measures to establish a family friendly society over recent years, such as creating traditional Chinese group wedding ceremony for young couples, implementing cross-regional marriage and divorce registration pilot policy.

近年来,中国地方政府采取了多项措施来构建友好型社会, 如为年轻夫妇举办传统中式集体婚礼, 实施跨区域婚姻和离婚登记试点政策。

According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, 3.43 million couples in China registered for marriage in the first half of this year, down by 498,000 couples during the same period from 2023.
据民政部数据显示,今年上半年,中国共有343万对新人登记结婚, 同比减少49.8万对。



