

美国使馆 美国驻华大使馆 2023-04-08

2022年2月1日,美国国务院发言人内德·普赖斯在华盛顿举行的一次国务院记者会上回答提问。(© Susan Walsh/AP Images)














U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price to step down 

Through our frequent Spokesperson Says… posts, we know Spokesperson Price became a familiar face to many of you and a trusted voice for all of us. We thank him for his commitment to public service and to upholding press access and press freedom.  

Freedom of the press is an essential right in the United States and a core principle of democracy.  As enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a free press is essential to maintain the balance of power in government. As Spokesperson Price himself penned in an essay for last year’s World Press Freedom Day:

“As the department’s spokesperson, I face reporters during the daily press briefing to ensure the public understands America’s foreign policy. While it’s sometimes a daunting and occasionally bruising task, I know that if the public doesn’t understand what we’re doing or why, our policies will lack the credibility and legitimacy necessary to succeed.

I also know that the reporters asking me questions are themselves vital to America’s democracy — and send a signal the world over regarding the importance of responsive, accountable governance. That’s why, in addition to informing the public, I hope my exchanges with reporters serve as an example of the hard work that an informed citizenry and an open, accountable government require.”


We will miss you at the podium, SPOX Price.


In a statement released on March 7, 2023, Secretary Blinken announced that this month, Ned Price will step down as the State Department’s Spokesperson.

Secretary Blinken said in the statement, "Ned began as Spokesperson on January 20, 2021. Within days of taking on the role, he restored the Department’s daily press briefings, giving journalists the chance to regularly ask tough questions of our policy. 

Throughout the more than 200 briefings he has since held, he’s treated journalists – as well as colleagues and everyone else he interacts with – with respect. 

Ned has helped the U.S. government defend and promote press freedom around the globe and modeled the transparency and openness we advocate for in other countries. His contributions will benefit the Department long after his service. 

Ned’s firm grasp of the policies underlying our messaging made him that much more effective in his role. On a personal level, I have constantly benefited from his counsel, as have so many members of the Department. Fortunately, I’ll be able to continue to do that, as Ned will continue to serve at State, working directly for me.

For people in America and around the world, Ned Price has often been a face and voice of U.S. foreign policy.  He’s performed with extraordinary professionalism and integrity. On behalf of the Department, I thank Ned for his remarkable service." 

Read full statement here:

