
美国大使馆社区乐跑赛开跑! 欢庆共融、团队精神和良性竞争


来自美国、中国和其他国家的200多名参与者聚在一起参加了由美国驻华大使馆的残障人士行动小组 (DAG) 组织的一场社区乐跑活动,来欢庆共融、团队精神和良性竞争。“每个人都可以实现他的目标。他们只是需要创造力来克服他们可能面对的挑战。” DAG的创始人之一指出。




包容不仅对于一个人的自尊很重要,也有经济意义。世界经济论坛的数据显示,“超过13亿人身有某种形式的残障,占全球人口的17%。” 在一些国家,把残障人士排除在外的代价达国内生产总值的7%。 


Cooperation, teamwork, and creativity are keys to overcoming challenges.

Over 200 participants from the United States, China, and other countries came together for a community fun run organized by Embassy Beiing’s Disability Action Group (DAG) to celebrate inclusivity, teamwork, and healthy competition.  “Everyone can achieve their goals.  They just need to be creative to overcome challenges they might face,” noted one of DAG’s founders.

Ambassador Nick Burns opened the event, saying, “Everyone is included in all we do across U.S. Mission China.”  

The event drew participants from several other diplomatic missions and local organizations and businesses that offer educational support, organize excursions to enjoy Beijing’s natural beauty, and provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. 

One participant from the race shared, “I was so glad to be included as someone who still is learning about disabilities and people with disabilities.  Everyone matters, we’re all people.”  

Inclusion is not only important for one’s dignity, it also makes economic sense.  According to the World Economic Forum, “Over 1.3 billion people live with some form of disability, representing 17% of the global population.” Excluding people with disabilities costs up to 7% of GDP in some countries.

What can you do to be more inclusive?  First, treat everyone with dignity and respect.  Second, ask businesses or your office to improve accessibility.  Finally, make sure your website, text messages, and social media accounts are accessible for people with disabilities.

